Portfolio & Grading

Your portfolio for the course should be a constantly changing & updated.

Your portfolio will be on a blog you create on Weebly (or your choice)
It will show your progress in several areas:
Blog & Progress- (weekly posts) what did you do this week? Explanations of what you learned and did.
Final Design Work (your best final projects)
Research (Pinterest/ inspiration, research, idea building)
Above & Beyond (extra work you do because you want to improve)

Expectations for Design 1 Fall 2019

Guss example portfolio/blog (min expectations- for Friday post prompts and required examples)

Art & Design 1 Standards for Portfolio Grading (Quarter Summative Grades)

The portfolio displays artwork that shows evidence of investigating all possibilities and as a whole demonstrates continuous effort, interest in achievement and growth throughout. Portfolio is organized and customized to represent a product designed for its audience.  Every project is complete and presented with extras (additional attempts, revisions, extra work) and reflections. The portfolio contains evidence of growth in technique and the programs used in class, as well as a strength or mastery of design principles.  The portfolio shows evidence that the student is comfortable with the 5 criteria and can use them to reflect on their work and areas of strength/weaknesses.

The completed portfolio demonstrates an effort to do what is required for the course. The portfolio contains evidence of all assigned work and matches the checklist provided by the instructor. Portfolio documents evidence of learning all programs and design principles used in class and participation in assignments, reflections and critiques.  The portfolio shows evidence that the student is familiar with the 5 criteria and can use them to reflect on their work and areas of strength/weaknesses.

The incomplete portfolio demonstrates some incomplete assignments &/or reflections. The portfolio demonstrates participation in class, but the student may not have used time wisely resulting in incorrect or un-revised work. The portfolio contains some evidence of growth within the programs presented in class, but work could be improved with revisions. The portfolio shows unclear evidence that the student is familiar with the 5 criteria and may not use them to reflect on their work and areas of strength/weaknesses.

The incomplete portfolio demonstrates incomplete and/or missing work. Portfolio is disorganized. The student often does not participate in class and/or does not use time wisely resulting in work that needs to be revised and/or completed.  The portfolio shows no evidence that the student is familiar with the 5 criteria and does not use them to reflect on their work and areas of strength/weaknesses.
Not There Yet
The incomplete portfolio demonstrates little to no effort to participate in the class as it is missing many assignments, reflections and classwork. The portfolio shows little to no growth in techniques & programs because there is not enough work to judge. 

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