Friday, November 12, 2021

Monday December 2 : Personal Identity Branding

We are going to do a Personal Branding mini unit

What does it mean, "Personal Branding"?
Personal branding is about defining and consistently reinforcing who you are and what you stand for in your career and life. -Joseph Liu, Career Assistant

I am asking you to "brand" yourself as a Graphic Designer for your portfolio. Some students bring in other aspects of their life to tell their story in their logo

Others used their names or initials and kept it more simple

Others have used both

1. Mood Board- gather ideas, resources, colors you like
2. Thumbnails & Roughs- designing an ICON, WORDMARK or COMBO logo
3. Brand Guide- including all the "rules" for your logo
4. Use of your logo and brand rules on your portfolio/blog

Goal 1: Create a mood board - this is for you to gather inspiration to create your OWN personal logo and identity for your website.
Color palettes you like (palettes, from photos, from other work)
Icons/symbols you like or feel represent you as a creative/person (from icon search or other work)
Designer inspirations (work by a designer who has a "voice" you like)
*anything else that inspires your idea (quotes, pictures, designs)

Where do you find resources?
Typography- dafont  fontsquirrel
Color- design-seeds  adobe color
Icons- iconfinder (free)
Inspiration - behance  pinterest

Create in Illustrator, letter size doc. Copy/paste in your findings.
 This will be part of what you show me next Friday for your Friday Post.
Here's a silent video showing you what to do to create it....

1 comment:

  1. Making a mood board for your business is an ideal first step to develop your brand and marketing. Creating a mood board is easier when a template is used. You can use these Mood Board Templates to create mood boards easily.
